Saturday, May 10, 2008

To Russia with love

This is so seasonally appropriate it makes me laugh.
What a beautiful model... Diamond brooch... lovely tweed coat. And then there are 16 pounds of hat on her head.


Hannah said...

Holy *(*&%^ What is that?!?!?!?! I kinda want to knit it as a joke for a friend of mine. Let me know where you found it.

Lisa Paul said...

Wrong country. Not Russia but Afghanistan. She's pushed her burka up over her head.

Terri of The 6F Project said...

Wrong to both of is a copy of a very old English style hat. It is in an organic wool, trimmed in vintage lace and it is not 16 pounds, maybe 1!! This is a steaming pile of S....

2 pointy sticks said...

Copy Terri? Did you say COPY?!?!?!