Sunday, December 23, 2007

Holiday Buffet

Here is a whole buffet.

Not by machine.

Not by hand.

there is no excuse for this sort of sweater.

Wishing you a Merry Christmas, and a tasteful champagne-filled celebration.

Friday, December 21, 2007

High Beams

Cute vest. I couldn't find buttons big enough, so I made some out of coasters I had. I ran out of yarn for the final rib cuff, so I switched colors. Doesn't it look "whimsical" and like I did it on purpose?

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Back on the Farm

I got dressed with the farmer's almanac as my guide to the weather. I thought it was summer, so I threw on a skirt and a summer backless top. And then I got outside and whew! It was cold. So looked around and quick found this half an old sweater. I wear this in the chicken coupe, so when they come pecking at me, my arms won't get any marks on them.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Really? This is knit out of polypropylene rope on the ends of bats. The Grinch who stole my size 35's.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Camel Ruffle

I really like Flash Dance, so the shoulder is working for me.
But I didn't know that the sleeves would use so much yarn, so I didn't have any left for the body. I love ruffles so I added them with the little bits left over.
I am plum tuckered out from all the milking I've been doing. I need to step back in the barn and keep at it. I have 7 more cows to milk before I go to school.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Holiday Excess

Could a scarf move from "warm and snuggly" to "offensive"? This looks like a 1960's movie "the scarf that ate Cleveland". "I got this electric blue yarn from the sale bin at JoAnn's. They had so much of it, I was so happy. I knit all 14-2 pound balls into this one scarf! Yipee!"

Sunday, December 9, 2007

A Medly

A medly of fun fur and some bumpy yarn - neither of which should have made it past the scetching stage, much less all the way out to production.
They were so proud of this that it made the cover shot. E.A.S.Y. Accessories. So, you don't have to knit fur on Double Pointed Needles? Or you have to seam fun fur up the back? Which of those whould be E.A.S.Y.?
And the model turned her head to the side to feign innocence. "If I hold my head at this quizitive angle, they can't hold me resposible".

Friday, December 7, 2007

Put a fork in it.

Put a fork in it, cause I'm done.
Nope... really, I'm done. I'm going to leave the sweater like this, and wear it around.

Thursday, December 6, 2007


I am a jaunty sailor! Last time I was out on the open water, I had a vision of this outfit. I thought yarn would be great as a bikini bottom. And I thought a tube top was practical for a day of 'hoisting the main sail'. My favorite part is the gold buttons I placed lined up with my belly button. They add such great nautical flair, and are in keeping with my general motif. I have on SPF 75!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007


I wanted a simple pattern, so I picked this one. It's only the knit stitch. Not a purl, or a decrease in it. It was going well, until I fell asleep sitting up because I was so bored with the project. I don't think the trumpet coming out of my head is that bad, do you? I didn't run out of yarn, so I just left it.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Staying with the fur

I used to be a line backer. So I really miss the shoulder protection of the game. This dressy fur knit lets me wear the pads, and my black pleated skirt together. Excellent! I don't think the word "boxy" even begins to describe the shape. "Volvo-in-the-80's"-boxy.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Fur for the Holidays

I really wanted to buy a mink - but instead I thought I would knit this substitute from petroleum by product. Doesn't it look 'real'? Don't you love the color? Orange.