Friday, November 30, 2007

"Bigger is Better"

I spent a year and I knit a throw for our king size bed. It was beautiful, and took a long time to finish. But the other day I was lying on it and I thought it would make a wonderful sweater. So I gathered the whole thing up, and came up with this! Isn't it marvelous? I didn't want a single stitch to go to waste, so I used the entire blanket! That way, if the kids and I go out together, they can all stand close to me, and I won't have to carry extra sweaters for them. As a matter of fact, I can have a child in each sleeve, and my husband and I will just share the sweater.


kat said...

geesh, please all i want are sweaters that make me look bigger!

Lisa Paul said...

It takes a village to wear this sweater.